Friday, July 31, 2009

Help !! why is my second budgie chirping?

I had two budgies, Chrissy and Sky. Chrissy was about seven and Sky is three. Chrissy passed away yesterday and was left in the cage with Sky until I came home from work to find him. Today Sky has been chirping all day and will only stop if i talk to him. I miss Chrissy; is it possible Sky does too? What should I do??
You are doing everything you should be. You're being there for him and offering a comfort voice =)

I do think that she misses her friend. Is the chirping loud and sharp? Its possible Sky is actually looking for Chrissy. My two do it when they go out of their cage to play. If one is out of sight of the other, then they'll start chirping up a storm. Its like they're saying "Hey! Where'd you go?". Sky's probably just confused and wonders where his friend is.

This behavior has been observed in the wild, and if you've seen the documentary "Parrots of Telegraph Hill" this occurs. If I remember correctly: In a mated pair of amazons, one dies and the other calls for it incessantly.

Make sure he gets lots of attention and love. The two of you can find solace in each other. Birds are just as social if not more so than us. I'm sure that hearing your voice is comforting to him, so read, sing, or just talk =)

I know that when I lost my male bourkes parakeet, my female and I laid on my bed and cried. Actually I cried and she sat on chest and she preened me and licked up the tears. =) It helped so much to have her there. =) Aren't they wonderful? I hope for the best for you and Sky. I'm sure the chirping will die down after he realizes that Chrissy is gone. This is just the first step of the healing process.
Yes he might be sad that his friend is gone just as you but you might want to get one or two more so he can have another friend.
Sky is chirping because he's is trying to call to Chrissy. He doesn't realise that she is gone yet.

The best thing to do would be to get him another friend. Male or female, it doesn't matter. If you get a female just make sure that they don't breed if you don't want that.
Birds are very very social animals, especially budgies. They are used to living in flocks of sometimes hundreds of birds. Your bird is probably lonely and calling for his friend trying to figure out where he went. I'm sure Sky really does miss Chrissy. It would probably help him out a lot if you got another bird for him to love.

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