Thursday, July 30, 2009

Has anybody previously come across this deterrent to prevent pigeons nesting?

My apartment has placed those white balls used in men's urinals on the gaps between the balconies to deter pigeons from nesting.
Pigeons are a bunch of smart sneaky things because they always find a way to stay at the same place no matter how many times find a deterrent thing to get rid of them. By law were not suppose to kill them or remove their nest, but you can put a mesh net there and that will keep them out of there. One thing they hate is laser beam pens. When you aim at them with it they panic and try to avoid the beam. It seems to work for a while, but they come right back. They did a study on these birds and took one of them from their place, blind folded them and took them thousands of miles away. Then took of the blind object off and it flew all the way back to where it came from. It still a mystery how they know where they are going even they never venture out too far from where they live. Good Luck these creatures are smart and dumb at the same time and know how to get around your deterrent thing. I know, I seen it every day where I work.
I haven't seen that one. I was in Chicago recently and they have little spike things all over anything up high that might be a roosting spot...apt. ledges, EL train stations, billboards, everything.
??? Ok I'm female so I'm clueless as to what you talking about

My friends just have realist plastic owls out on docs %26 other places iit keeps seagulls %26 piegons away
I have talked to some pest guys about humane deterrents. They make halucenagenics (sp?) Which make the bird sick for a little while so the pigeon would associate a place with a bad experience. Hope this helps and it really works!
It will certainly be the urination of those pigeons

1 comment:

  1. that was really nice to read that.. that was really great post.. it seem great information...i think For better to keeping your property, houses and necessary areas from birds through intermediate of Bird Control rather than spending money on spoil caused by birds.for more information :
