Friday, July 31, 2009

HELP!!! Ducklings Splay leg is swollen!!!!?

My duckling has splay legs and one of them has swollen really big making it even harder for him to get around! Please, tell me if there is anything i can do for him to help the swelling to go down!!! i can't go to a vet because there aren't any where i live so please tell me something that i can do myself.
Splay legs is common in ducklings. You can try hobbling the little guy. Which means tying a soft piece of yarn around the upper half of the one leg, and take the yarn to the other upper half of the leg and tye it. Take a look at other ducklings and see how far apart their legs are and try to accomplish the same thing. This will help duckie to keep a standing position and train the legs. He will be able to walk without the legs getting out of position.

As for the swelling? That's not a good sign. Just make sure he has a good non medicated diet for ducklings. Keep him warm. You may want to make a mash for him to eat. Just add water to his feed and soften it. You could try calling a vet for telephone advice. Or a rehabilitation centre for wildlife.
He probably needs a duck friendly antibiotic. Try to keep him as comfortable as possible.
There isnt much you can do for that without a vet. You also need to see the vet to properly have the splayed leg fixed, if you wait to long the leg will develop that way and the duck will be permenantly crippled. You need to see a vet ASAP

In the mean time try and keep pressure off of the leg, don't allow the duck to try and walk on it.
Just put food and water near by so it can eat %26 drink, keep it warm. Give it some time maybe it will take care of itself.
try massaging it %26 using ice to lower the swelling

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