Friday, July 31, 2009

Help! I need a formula recipe stat!! D:>?

I found a baby bird today and I attempted to feed him via a sryinge and mushy worms. He ate ok, but I don't know how many more I'll be able to find and he needs to eat every 2 hours. Does anyone have a quick formula recipe? There's no chance of me getting to the store tonight so any help I could get would be awesome. Please help me.
You should contact a wildlife rehabber. They will be able to identify the bird, and know what food it should be eating. Different species require different formulas depending on what they eat in the wild. If you feed the wrong formula for the species, or not often enough the bird will either not make it or wind up with serious metabolic disorders.
I don't mean to be rude I know people are trying to help, but if you feed any of the formulas listed above the bird will not thrive. Don't get me wrong, those recipes may have worked for some people or they wouldn't be on the Internet. Species like English sparrows and Starlings can do OK on formulas such as those.
To be safe like I said, I would contact a rehabber.
Try some bread until you can get to the store.
If you have any kind of powdery cereals like regular malt o meal, oatmeal, rice cereal, baby cereals. Put it in a blender and pulse it into a fine powder. If you have any applesauce, add a little and add warm water to make a soft baby food the consistency of baby applesauce. Warm it to the temp that you can put your finger in it and its hot but does not burn you if you leave you finger in it to stir. Temp is appx 110 degrees. if you have a thermometer. Use this until you can get to a store. When you get to a market buy some Gerber baby cereal Oat or mixed and some baby vegetables. Try to get some commercial bird formula. Pet stores carry it. Zupreem and Exact are good common brands.
Contact a licensed wildlife rehabilitator in your area. They are the ones with the experience to feed the baby bird properly. Also, most birds are protected under law, and it is illegal to have most birds unless you are a licensed rehabber.

Baby Bird Food
Categories: Make | Your | Own

Serves: 1 Servings

1 cn Ken-L Ration dog food
1 Hard-boiled egg; mashed
2 tb Hi-Protein baby cereal

Mix well. Form into rather large pellets (the size of a raisin). Offer to
birds every half hour, feeding as much as they will take each time. Mixture
may be refrigerated. Offer water from medicine dropper, but very little is
needed and should be given carefully to avoid aspiration into lungs causing
pneumonia. It is next to impossible to overfeed.

Note: It is illegal in most states to cage most wild baby birds, but this
food may save them until they can be released.

Recipe by: When Fall From A Nest.

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