Thursday, July 30, 2009

Found a fledgling bird no parents anywhere?

and the workers here wouldnt leave him alone so i finally took him home now what?he looks ok not broken or bleeding but cant fly has them little tuffts on his head matches pic. of fledling on web??i live in huntsville alabama..what do i do with him small songbird of some kind black with yellow beak?thank you for seriouse help u can keep your sarcasim..
Sounds like maybe a baby greckle or starling. Get baby bird formula and mix it with canned cat food and water to form a mush. Stick this on a chopstick and press it against the side of his beak, which will trigger an opening reflex. Stick the food in the back of his mouth near his throat and let him swallow. You may need to drop a couple drops of water in with a dropper if he has trouble because the mix is too thick. After a day or two he'll open his beak and squack when he needs feeding, but aim for every 30 intially and work it up to every hour til he weans. Feel free to contact me. I've raised a number of baby birds. :)
If you find a fledgling alone, it doesn't mean that it has no parents. They were probably out collecting food to feed their baby. How disappointed they will be when they return home and find their baby missing. I'm not sure what type of bird but could probably get some better answers from someone from your area. Next time if you see a baby bird alone, either the parents are gathering food or they are teaching their baby how to fly. Just because you don't see them doesn't mean they are not there. Good Luck Maybe you can contact your local pet store for more info.
Some baby birds do well on mashed up hard boiled eggs. I have known of this saving orphaned birds
I gave my baby sparrows cat food soaked in water... the dry food all puffed out... comprende? Oh yeah, and don't forget to keep the little baby warm!!!
i had this happen to me once but it was a dove. we took care of it the best we could but after a week it died. :,(
any way i would give it a vet unless you are pretty sure that you can take care of it on your own. just make sure that it gets the right food for that age and do lots of research on it.
Take it to a wildlife rehabilitator
talm to your local animal shelter. most of them get birds too. even if they arent there the birds are housed elsewhere off site. those ppl should be able to give you answers.

good luck


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