Thursday, July 30, 2009

German Cockroachies and the budgie?

Where I live those horrible little german cockroaches are a huge problem. I have waged war and am winning but because of my budgie and goldfish I am very careful with sprays. My problem is that they are getting into my budgies cage so does anyone have any ideas on how to prevent this from happening, without using chemicals?
You never want to hang a cage. It makes the cage an unstable enviroment for your bird. The bird ends up being a very unstable bird and very aggressive, not to mention every time the bird moves, so does it's house. It's like living in CA with earth quakes every time you move a toe.

Since birds main diet in the wild are insects, do NOT use a poison or bait for the cockroaches, but use the roach motels. Ones that roaches go into but get stuck on a glue trap and don't come out. They are throw aways too! If for some reason you use a poison and your bird eats a roach, the bird will also ingest the poison and die along with the roach.

Setting off bombs are a good idea, but make sure your bird don't walk on any surface (couch, counter tops, curtain rods, etc) that has not been cleaned after setting the bombs off. Birds are very particular cleaners once put in their cages.

Roaches are notorious for coming back, so if you have a next door neighbor, have them bomb at the same time. It's the only way to get ahead of them, and get rid of the problem, and keep them from coming back.

Good Luck!
Get some cockroach baits from the supermarket
they look like little plastic boxes and come in packs of 6.
They don't emit anything. The roaches crawl into them and eat some bait then they crawl away and die
I had that trouble too. I hung the cage from chain. This worked. Far away from birds, spray the chain and let it dry. Then hang the cage from the chain. The bugs can't crawl onto the chain.
Remove your pets from the house. Set off a couple of those bug bombs. Return to your home and air out the house. Clean you bird's cage every day.

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