Friday, July 31, 2009

Help! My husband found baby birds!?

My husband found a birds nest that fell out of a tree. I don't know anything about birds. What can we do to keep the babies from dying? Please help!
aww how cute, well feed them baby formula in stores now.
Also keep them in a warm climate with food water and their favorite food
Acually, take them to a refuge, or the veteranarian. Sadly, when a mother rejects their babies from the nest, it usually means that they won't survive long or they have a disease of some sort.
Good luck!
- Naturegirl098
If it is at all possible try to put the nest back in the tree. Contrary to rumor, the birds will recognize the babies and continue to nurture them. It would be very very hard for you to take care of the babies especially if they are very young. If you think the parents are alive try to put the nest back in the tree. If you can't, the parents will hear the babies and take care of them on the ground but the worry would be whether or not they are safe from predators there. If you can't put it up and can't secure the area you should call a local wildlife shelter and ask for advice or whether they can take the birds as they will be more equipped and experienced with rehabilitating birds. There are baby bird foods available at most pet stores but you have to be careful if you decide to feed the babies yourself. The food has to be between 103 and 104 degrees farenheit. Any higher can burn the bird's tongue and crop and kill it, lower it will not eat or digest properly. The bird also has two throat holes, the one on the left is correct, the one towards the middle if you put food in it could kill the bird. You also need to be able to feel the birds crop (a sac on the top of its chest where it holds the food) to see whether it is full or not. Anyways, put them back if you can, if not call a wildlife rescue! Hope that helps!
Contact a local animal shelter or a veterinary hospital. They should either be able to take the babies or know of someone who does wildlife rehabilitation.
Follow the directions above (rehab or vet), or call your local ASPCA or police non-emergency number, and have them direct you to someone who can help.

Don't attempt to keep the birds on your own, most species of bird are protected by law, and you can end up in a heap of trouble, if you're caught with them.
The moma bird will take care of the babies Evan if they are on the ground, but if you have already taken them away you need to get some worms and pure them and use a med. syringe to feed them or find someone who raises birds and take them to them.
Try to put it up a bit higher away from cats etc but birds really often dye from stress, I took a chick home before thinking I had done the right thing and it died. The mum will either come back and care for them but to be honest I think the outlook will be bleak. Try your local rescue centre and they may advice you. Good luck and I hope all is well x
Take a cool whip container and use rubber gloves to fix the nest. Make sure you don't touch with your bare skin!
Go to a craft store and purchase some green florist's wire, and use it to reattach the nest to the tree branch. The parents will find the nest and continue to raise the chicks if you do this soon enough.
If you've taken on the responsibility for keeping these birds alive (the mother has rejected them), there are a few things you can do.
I was in a similar situation, but only one baby mockingbird survived the storm that knocked out the nest. The vet told me to keep them comfortably warm.
For food: raw hamburger meat mixed with bread in the form of tiny worms. This resembles the regurgitated food that the mother would bring to the baby. He also suggested an eye dropper to give them a tiny amount of water after the food if they struggle with it. The babies should just open their mouths skyward and cry for food when they're hungry, which will be just about every hour or so. A baby bird is supposed to eat 4 times its weight daily.
Just so you know, if these birds still have tubes on their feathers, they will pick them off themselves. And if a leg looks hurt, usually they heal themselves.
My little mockingbird made it and finally flew off. He was a little more scraggly than the other mockingbirds because he didn't get exactly what he needed in terms of nutrients, but he stayed near the home and actually came back and "visited" the next year, flying into (inside) my home and then flying out and hanging on the clothesline for awhile.
So, it IS possible if you want to try to help these poor guys out, but only do this as a LAST RESORT. You want to get the mother to take these guys back if at all possible.
Also, if you do this, make sure you speak to a vet or an area expert on birds (a pet shop may have a number of a bird breeder) who can give you more expert advice.
Remember, handle them as little as possible when they're in your care. They can make it outside, but you want them to remain as wild as possible!
Birds really dont ahve that great of a sense of smell. placing the nest back into the tree is the best option. If not place the nest in a berry bascket (or just any small basket). If there is no nest, make some out of grass ripped from the yard (no mud). Tie that into the tree. ussually the parents will come back.

Or find a wildlife rehabilitator.

If you decide to feed the birds yourself, PLEASE feed them carefully. dont force feed them! There is an area looking like a hole at the base of their "tongue" that is BEFORE their throat entrance. Avoid that hole at all cost as it goes tot heir lungs!

here is a GREAT link on EASY ways to feed birds. My favorite is the one where the gentlemad used baby bottle nipples.

This link has aother links that show the feeding methods.

(note the photos of when the "crop is full." make sure it empties once a day before feeding again. if the "crop is hard" give water (bottled with no chlorine). It should feel soft, not hard. Also, dont over feed!!!)

I you know what kind of bird they are, research what they eat if you are making a home based formula. if not, try to get kaytee exact bird formula (pets supplies plus carries it. call any pet shop!)

good luck!

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