Friday, July 31, 2009

Help, found a baby robin!?

i found a baby robin. just hatched no wings and a piece of its shell stuck on its head. for the moment how do i feed it or what should i do? the rescue center where i live is closed and dont know what to do please help!
For the moment, keep it warm and hydrated (tepid water from a dropper should take care of it for now). As soon as possible, get in touch with a zoo or rescue center; they can point you at someone who is authorized to care for orphaned birds. If you are able to find the nest, put it back in; contrary to popular mythology, the parent(s) cannot "smell human" on the chick.
if you handle it handle it with gloves put it in a cage until morning then call anm. rescue
feed it tiny amounts of wet cat food on a toothpick
I had read years ago that wet dog food mixed with egg yoke (since they live on it while in the egg, very nutritious) makes good infant bird food, and definately keep it warm. Don't feel bad if it doesn't make it, baby birds that young seldom do and are prone to all kinds of ailments. Bless you for trying, and letting the tiny thing not die a slow death ,cold, and being eaten alive by ants. Also little birds eat constantly, in small amounts, hope you don't plan on sleeping.
Do not give it any water. Its system is so small it would drown. Get it to a vet ASAP
If you know where the nest is, return the baby bird to the nest. The parent birds will not smell your scent and reject the baby bird since most birds have a poorly developed sense of smell. If you cannot find the nest, make a substitute nest out of a little basket or flower pot. Put dried grasses or leaves in the container and put it near the place where you found the baby bird. Chances are, the parents will locate it and continue to care for the baby. You can watch the baby for an hour and see if the mom comes back to feed it.

If you find a fledgling bird, one that is fully feathered and out of the nest but calling, leave it alone. The parents are nearby and will take care of it.

If you find an injured baby bird, or one that is truly orphaned, check the websites below to get the name of the closest bird rehabilitation facility. It is illegal to have a wild bird in your possession unless you are a licensed rehabilitator.

To care for a baby bird until you can get it to a bird rehabilitation facility, keep it in a warm, dark, quiet place, such as a shoe box with air holes in the lid.
How is your robin? Where are you located? I have raised tons of wild birds. What you need to do is go buy some Purina One Senior Protection DOG food and some applesauce. NEVER EVER give a baby bird water. Take the dog food and soak it in water until it is all soggy and gross, and then take the soaked dog food out of the water and mix it with a few tablespoons of applesauce (make sure the applesauce has NO SUGAR added.) The bird will absorb the water it needs from the food.

The bird needs to be fed from the moment the sun comes up (around 6am) until about 10 am... every half hour. So it needs food at 6, 6:30, 7:00. 7:30, 8... and so on. After 10 you can have a break until noon. feed again at 2pm, 3pm, and then after 4pm feed 3 more times. Babys fall asleep as the sun goes down and they sleep so deeply that you cannot wake them up. You may think that it has died if you check on it in the middle of the night because it will be unresponsive.

If you are close to Missouri I can raise it for you. It takes a lot of care to keep them going. But the reward is awesome. Let me know.

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