Monday, May 24, 2010

How do you help an eggbound chicken?

My chicken is definately eggbound. If you don't know what that is, please don't answer this question, but it is when eggs get stuck inside the chicken. I know she will die if we don't do something.
It doesn't sound like your chicken is egg bound. Her rear end being massive is not a symptom of being eggbound. Walking in and out of the nestbox, but not passing an egg is.
OMG take her to the vet. How can you tell she is egg-bound? I never could tell with mine. How long has it been since she laid an egg? I know they lay every other day but mine only lay so many and then they take a break. Are your chickens getting enough calcium? They sell the medicated pellets that have calcium in it and its not that expensive. Buy a bag and mix it with their regular feed. But don't just sit there take the poor hen to the vet.
Isolate the bird if you can and keep her warm. Try to put some olive oil or vegetable oil into her vent using an eye dropper or plastic syringe. A warm wet compress on her bum might also help to loosen things up.

Be careful not to break the egg, as it can have bad results. In some instances though, breaking the egg has proved successful in treating the condition, although it is probably not worth the risk involved.

Comfort and warmth is the key, additional calcium in the form of crushed oyster shell may help to prevent the condition in the future.

Good luck.
Well there really isn't anything you can do except take it to the vet. they can probably do something.
It'll probably be kinda expensive though. i hope your chickens okay!
The best way to unbind her is to massage her abdomen.Put your hands in between her thighs and abdomen and gently massage the abdomen.If this doesn't work you may have to break the egg.If you have to do this be sure and flush all of the shell and egg content out.If you have to flush out the bird be sure you do so through the cloaca and not the anus.
What I do to my budgies when they get egg bound is I put vasalin on their bottom and give her a hot bottle under her. It helps alot
A stuck egg will cause other eggs to gather behind it, which caused the enlargement of the hen's abdomen. Try using mineral oil or KY Jelly. Put it on your forefinger, insert into the vent. With your other hand, gently push against the abdomen to force the egg toward the vent. If you can see the egg, but it's too big to get out, put a hole in the shell and remove it in pieces. Then rinse the cloaca with hydrogen peroxide. If the egg got stuck for a long while, tissue may poke through her vent. Protect her from cannibalism by her fellow buddies by putting her on her own until her muscle tone is back to A1.

By the way, I once had a Barred Plymouth Rock hen named Violet. She was named quite appropriately. She too became eggbound, and I decided to bring her into the house. I placed her in a very large dog cage on an old dining table, next to some flowers. As you can guess, she ate those that she could reach through the bars! They were Violets!! I got her egg out, but, she became infected and was given Baytril by the vet. She healed nicely. No egg laying though for a while. And when she started again - unfortunately she became eggbound again. I'm said to report she passed away. It's my experience with other hens, and from friend's experiences, that once a hen becomes eggbound, she's will have reoccurences. Good luck.

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