Friday, May 21, 2010

How do ducks have babies?

i have 4 ducks and one is getting very large in back and i was wondering if she could be pregant
Ducks Lay eggs.
They lay eggs
Ducks lay eggs!
They have eggs.then they incubate them for a while.Then they hatch out %26 you have ducklings!! When a duck has babies It doesn't get any bigger, Maybe the duck needs to see a vet.
They lay eggs lick chickens you will see , Look around for a nest if you see her making a nest look out little ducks, lol good luck
i don't think ducks have boobs of any sort so i assume they have babies out of eggs im not sure how the mum and daddy ducks make the sperm or whatever but im preaty sure baby ducks come out of eggs
Ducks lay eggs which hatch into babies. They lay eggs like chickens even if they are not fertilized. If your duck is acting alright then she is probably fine. If she appears as though she may be sick she may be egg bound, meaning the eggs are being made inside her and she is unable to lay them. A serious condition that can cause death. She should then be seen by a vet. If she appears fine, leave her alone.
Birds don't mate like people, but I do know this. The male will some how try to impress the female. Different types birds do it differently. After the female is seduced the male will jump on her back male birds don't have a penis, but they have there own little kind of penis type thing. He will insert it into the female and eject her with semen. Then the babies embryo is made using the sperm and her baby making cells. After the embryo is made it forms a soft shell around it that hardens and is laid into what we know as an egg. Then she will keep these eggs in a nest and keep them warm until they hatch. Them after they hatch she feeds them her throw up until they are old enough to eat normal food. In some types of birds the male helps. In others the male or female do all the work. You didn't say what kind of duck so google ducks types find what kind of duck you have. Then look up how it breeds. So simple it just might work!!! :)
They lay eggs, and sit on them every now and again until they hatch :]
Just like any other bird. How can you not know? Are you the dad?
well when a mommy duck and a daddy duck love eachothr very much they....see where im going with this lol..
and then the mommy ducky lays the eggs
Ducks mate by the male duck getting on the female duck's back. Afterwards, a few weeks later the female will lay her eggs in a nest she's made. She and the male duck will take turns sitting on the eggs to keep them warm.
Ducks lay eggs. if your duck has eggs then you should put them in a warm place under a warm light. Then they'll hatch better.
Good luck with your duck! lol
Duck lays eggs and ducklings comes out of them but someone has to sit on those eggs or you can use incubate to hatch eggs.

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