Friday, May 21, 2010

How do i get rid of a bird nest which is under my deck but over my patio door. Thr birds leave bird mess .?

The birds leave mess all over the door knob, the walls and other surrounding area. It is a real pain how do i get rid of the nest without hurting the birds or harming myself?
get a broom and poke the nest with the stick as soon as yhuu hear movement, run inside nd lock the door, shut all the windows, stay inside for a couple of hours, then brush the neast away with the broom, if that dnt work, call the RSPCA
When the bird is gone get the nest and put it in a tree and then when the bird comes back catch him and put him in the nest and then you run1
It is actually illegal for you to remove this nest if these are native birds. They are protected by law. You should wait it out.until the babies leave the nest, or the nest fails, and then put up screening so that birds cannot nest in this spot again in the future.

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