Friday, May 21, 2010

How do i care for little abandoned baby birds please help asap!!!?

-yes im sure there abandoned they were out of the nest on the floor

-i dont know what kind of birds they are

-they are really small and only a samll strip of fuzz no feathers

-pleasse help asap i dont want them to die!!!
chew up worms and spit them into the baby birds mouth
Try these sites:

And good luck!
If you can, try putting them back in the nest. Birds can't smell very well, so they won't abandon the babies because you touched them.
You've got to leave them. It hurts the birds, man, it's rather dangerous for them. Let nature take its course, and don't interrupt.
hi, well, it is very hard to keep birds when have to be careful when feeding not to make them need a seringe that has a tube connected to it and bird formula.there are some on the net that you can make yourself...not sure what one would be best to use, i dont know what kind of birds you have.once you have everything you need, you have to hold it's mouth opened and insert the tube down it's throat into where they store their food.if you can not do it that way, just put some thicker formula into the side of their mouth and let them take it keep them warm, put them in a box and put a heating pad on low put one side of the box on the pad and the other side off in case they need to get away from the can also put a heat lamp on them but not really close. put papers in the bottom of the box and an old towel...dont use beding...they can try to eat it and choke...good luck
warm water bottle..for heat.
what are they?robins nest? they shouldn't have been thrown out yet..

i have heard of feeding GROUND up worms and magots.pretty much fish bait. with some warm water added. but i'm not sure. with an eye dropper.
do a animal control or a vets office.even the zoo might be able to help
It is actually illegal for you to take these birds in. The mother will not abandon the birds. It is a myth. If you arlready took them inside take them back out to where you found them. Nature will take it's course. You will do the birds more harm by trying to take care of them.
put them in a box.. put a heat pad (on low) underneath the box..
dont do anything until morning!!! mom does not feed them during the night.

if u dont have a heating pad.. get one.
or contact a wildlife rehabber in your area to come and get them... they have to have a heat source or they will die.

I need a picture of them before I can tell you what to feed them anyway.
u can send me a pic.. or a better description... is the beak big and yellow? what color is the inside of the mouth..
how tiny is tiny. can 3 fit in the palm of your hand.. or just one??
what color is the fuzz?
are the eyes open??
here is alink to rehabber in all states

or.. like i said.. send me a pic.. id be glad to help you..
most likely they are sparrows, starlings.. or Robins..

what CANDLE..
the one comment about the syringe.. and a tube... LOL
what kind of bird you been feeding?
oh boy.. no tube needed.. no syringe...
(unless its a baby dove or pigeon).. and I doubt it is..
all you need is soaked kitten food ( high protein)... add a bit of calcium... and your fingers! Use your little fingers .. they will gap for food.. and put the food in the mouth.. all the way in the back.. be sure to bypass the airway hole...
no water! they get liquids from the soaked food..
and someone mentioned.. beef baby food...
what if he has a seed eater bird???
no ground beef.. no beef baby food.. no ground up worms..
the soaked kitten chow.. is only temporary.. until u find someone to help you
all this other crap people recommended will do nothing but kill the babies.
you can keep them warm with an electric heating pad on the lowest setting with a towel over the pad to put a barrier between them and the pad to keep them from getting burn or you can make a rice bag and warm that up in the mircrowave and use that wrapped in a towel.
As for food buy some baby food , meat only , no vegtables
and you can buy like meal worms at a pet store adn feed those to them. you can also get like kittens milk in the store and feed that to them with asyringeyou have to put it down their throat as they have little food pockets that they actually store thier food in and swallow it.
I raised some abandoned baby birds on chicken mash mixed with water. I put it into their throats by cutting the end of a syringe and "injecting" it in, about every hour. The birds thrived and eventually I turned them loose, and they flew away. Turns out they were mockingbirds.
But there are many wildlife rescue centers around, are there any near you? They most often will take them for you, or you could at least call and get their advice, or look them up on line.
Good luck!
Keep them in a secure place suck as a box lined with towels without all the plush (it will get caught in their nails and possibly injure their legs) keep them warm over a heating pad under the box on low. They can be fed thru a syringe, a mixture of wet dog food and water (not too thin or too think as both could cause problems) gently push the sides of their beaks to get them to take the syringe. Put it gently to the back of their mouth and feed small amounts at a time. Be careful not to scrape the back of the throat. They need to be fed every couple hours so you are in for a handful.
You must, must, MUST call the local ASPCA or a vet as soon as possible! Many species of wild bird are protected by law, and you may get into trouble if you have them. The folks you call should be able to tell you what you need to do.
to keep them warm, place them in a dry towel or to feed them, just give them some little nuts or if u want to, u can also feed them fries ^^
They were probably not abandoned. Parent birds will continue to feed them where ever they fall. Most of the time the best thing to do is to leave them where they are. The parents are never far and keep an eye on them.

But if you have already taken them in, please call your local police NON-EMERGENCY number and ask them for the number of your local animal control dept. The animal control officers should be able to refer you to a licensed bird rehabilitator in your area that may be able to take them in and raise them. Do this right away, especially since you don't know what kind of birds they are. This is important, as some birds like robins are carnivores and eat bugs, worms, etc., while other birds are seed and nut eaters. This makes a difference to the baby birds!
first they need the warmth from an enclosed area, preferably lying on a soft rag or towel under which is a heating pad on the lowest setting. Pet stores carry a special hand feeding mash for hand fed birds. You need a Lueur tip syringe, a thermomater, mixing cup and stiring stick. Mix with warm water a small measure of the dry feed to a soupy consistency. Heat to the exact temperature of 105 F. As small as you say they are you can prob use a 3cc syringe to draw up the mash. Hold the bird's head up and place the syringe in the left side of the mouth and squirt just enough mash into the mouth to make the crop (the pouch under the neck) bulge smushy. Be very careful to get it in the left side.
The birds have to be fed every 2 hours, no less. At first they will take only about 1 cc and slowly progress to more as they grow. Consult a vet trained in birds ASAP.
Don't try to care for them. Take them to a wild bird rescue center immediately. They have experts there who will nurture them and them re release them into the wild, and you won't have to pay or anything. If you don't know of one call your local animal shelter or a vet, they can point you in the right direction.
Hey Chica, Que cute. Try to put them back into their nest. Many mothers return and continue to take care of their young. They don't have a sense of smell, so there is no "human scent" that will drive the mother away. It is possible that she rejected them because they are genetically defective, but it's worth a try to return them to their nest. Have a nice day.

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