Monday, May 24, 2010

How do we take care of a baby bird we found outside?

In our backyard today we found a dead bird.. cats go back there a lot too. Then We saw the mother and a baby bird. The baby bird looked mature but half the size of the mother which was rather large, like a pigeon or something size. We went to go look and the mother flew off but the baby couldnt fly yet so we took it in (fear of cats eating it) and put it in a large box with some towels. what should we do?
Ok at least it's not too small which gives you a better chance...

keep it warm .. BUT not hot ...

Now you should really take it to the Vet or call a vetinarian group that deals with birds .. in the mean time .. If you have any milk arrowroot biscuits .. grind one up and then mix with boiled cool water .. till a sloppy paste ,,

You can try seeing if it will eat off a spoon ..( as in tipping it off the spoon into it's mouth .. becareful NOT to block it's nsal passages with the mixture as this may suffocate the bird, Try wiping a small amount of the mixture onto the side of it's beak .. that way it may get the smell of it and realise it's food and will eat for you ..

If it won't eat off a spoon, please try an eyedropper..

this is all the advice i can give you but the two most important things I have told you are to keep it warm and seek professional advice.
good luck,
Try to put it outside where there is no fear of cats, it may call for its mom and the mom may find it and feed it. Otherwise get some bread and mix it with water to make a watery dough. Fill a syringe without the need and full it with the liquid. Hold the bird and force it to open its beak and put the syring head in its mouth, slowly push the liquid into its beak and it will start eating it, feed it from 1 to 2cc of the liquid and wait for an our or two and do it again. Don't feed the bird too much though! Try to put some solid bread or seed for it as well, when you see it starts eating those regularly you won't need to syringe feed it anymore. Soon it will start flying and then you can let it go, just try to free it away from the cats so that it can live for a while!!
feed the baby bird by dipping some chapati in water for some time so that baby can eat it easily
try to put it in the mouth by using ur hand and keep the baby warm.
Just put the bird back in it's nest,and leave it be,along with the mother.You're just doing more harm than good for it anyways.It's not like the mother can't fend off some cat trying to get at it's baby for one,and two,I don't see you out there catching the bugs and worms it has to eat,to survive.Also,if you're so worried about this,then put up some type of birdhouse to cover the nest around the young bird and it's mother.
I agree with gravedig leave the bird outside with the mother bird. You are scaring the mother away just as much as the cats. I know it is hard not to help but let nature way take care of the little bird. If it is a fledgling it is ready to leave the nest. When your home you can help keep the cat away.
i found a one day old rabin who had been blown out of the next. I kept it ina tubberware container, with lots of nesting material, with a heating pad under it (so it wouldnt boil).
I fed it baby bird food from a tiny seringe.
Your bird is probably old enough to eat regular bird food (i also found a baby pigion who had hopped in hot tar and had it all over his legs) and i fed him meal worms, wax worms and dove food.
Most people do not realize that in the U.S. you need, by law, a license to have in your possession most species of wild birds. The exceptions to this are introduced, or non-native, species such as European Starlings and English House Sparrows.

If you found an injured bird, or an abandoned baby bird, you should contact a local wildlife rehabilitation center and make arrangements to take the bird there or have someone come to your house to pick the bird up. The people at these facilities are trained and licensed, and can give the bird the best chance of survival and eventual return to their natural environment.
if the bird is fully feathered.. its a fledgling... they are grounded for about 2 days before taking off..
I would definately take it back out there. if you are able to keep an eye on the darn cats. whos cats anyway?
if not, you need to contact your wildlife rehabilitator.
here is a link
This bird is a need to put it back immediately so the parents can care for it. Birds leave their nest before they can fly...this is normal. Put the bird back in a safe area outside.tree or scrub where your cats cannot get to it, or better yet keep them indoors until the birds leave the area and watch for the mother..she should eventuallly find it. You are breaking the law by having this bird in your possession, and it will most likely die under your care. If you replace it outside and the mother does not come back, and ONLY when you are positive she is not coming back then you need to take this bird to a wildlife rehab in your area. Next time let nature take it course and don't interfere with nesting birds.
Well I just found a baby Inca Dove with no feathears at all and i saw the mother and the babies sibling in the road dead so i decided to take the abondaned baby in. I keep the bird in a small cardboard box lined with papertowels, along with a nest made with papertowels, with an overhead light set on medium. I keem a towel over the box so the baby is in darkness. i have four cats in my house so the baby stays in the garage which is fairly warm its self. The bird should be at least 85 degrese F. If the bird gets too cold he could die. I feed the baby Kaytee Exact baby bird formula. You should feed the bird every hour to every three hours depending on the age of the bird. Be sure to sanatize all materials used to prepare the food after every use. Do not feed the bird leftover food. Make fresh food everytime. Kaytee is rich in protien and antibiotics to keep the bird healthy and free from disease. Baby birds are prone to disease eaisly so i highly reccomend Kaytee Exact. To feed my bird i poke a small hole just big enough for the birds beak to stick through, about a fourth of the way from the bottom of a small paper cup. i put the formula in the cup and get the bird to stick his beak up in the hole to suck up the formula. however, you can also use a small syringe to squirt the food in the birds mouth, but very gently. Watch the birds Crop (when full there should be a small round bump on the birds neck). Feed the bird until his crop is full or until he refuses any more food. It is very important to keep the birds surroundings very clean so change his bedding after every feeding. Be very careful the bird does not inhale any food. You should only have to get up during the night once to feed the bird. if fed at 9 pm you should get up around 3am to feed him and then again at 6am. Make sure to wipe off any food that might have dripped on the baby. (beak, chest). When the bird is fully featherd and begins to explore more, you should begin the Weaning Process. Weaning is the process in which you stop hand feeding him and get him to eat normal bird food. Kaytee makes Juvenile bird food just for the weaning process. To Wean the bird, you can sprinkle some of the juvenile food around the birds area such as some in the nest and around the bottom of the box. remeber to have a small cup full of water for the bird. the cup should be shallow enough for the bird to drink from. continue hand feeding the bird, and soon the bird will preffer the new food over the hand feeding. If you begin the weaning process too late, the bird will become "spolied" and will want you to hand feed him which will make it difficult to wean him. When the bird is able to eat by himself completly, you should be able do keep him in a cage. Make sure the cage is big enough for him to hop around in. When he is older you can buy him toys. but for now just affew perches is good. Make sure the bird is able to get down from the perches eaisly. He could panic if he cant get down from the perches. Be sure to cover the cage with a towel or blanket at night so the bird does not get too cold. when birds are put in darkness, it means to them that it is nighttime so they sleep, but in light they know its daytime so they stay awake. You can also let the bird out in a room where he is supervised and the door is closed so he can practice flying or just fly for fun. make sure everyone else in the house knows he is out though so they wont open the door and let him out of the room.

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