Monday, May 24, 2010

How do I teach my parakeet (female) to say "sexy" or to talk at all?

Its the male parakeets that are noted for talking, so if you want to have a parakeet that talks, consider adopting a male bird. This isn鈥檛 to say that female parakeets can鈥檛 be taught to talk, but generally female birds are slower to learn and attempts at teaching a female to talk might not be successful.
BUT its worth a go so.... Remember, to stand the best chance,your bird must feel/be part of his "human flock"
Birds learn best in the morning, when their mind is fresh and ready for new information. If you use a towel or cover over your bird's cage, talk to them for 1/2 hr before you remove it each morning. Repeat the same phrases loudly, slowly and clearly. Parakeets do best with hard letters like K and T, so the traditional "hello" is actually sort of hard for a Parakeet. "Cutie" would be much better! Parakeets tend to mumble and to talk quickly, so the more slowly you talk, the more normal it will sound when the bird starts to repeat it.
Have patience, and eventually your parakeet will start to answer back to you, hopefully! Parakeets can also learn to mimic other sounds around them. They can learn to chirp like a cell phone, whistle a short tune, and much more,females especially! If talking is not successful,why not teach her to whistle rhymes/tunes!!
Get another one.
threaten it with concrete boots
Parakeets are very small birds and the smaller the bird the less chance they will talk. Your should first name it sexy. so you can assocate sexy with the parakeet. Keep in mind that the only way you will EVER get the bird to talk is if you spend a lot of time with it, let it get out of the cage, and feel comfortable with you. The best way to teach it to say sexy is to ue positive reinforcement. Every time you change the water and food say sexy a lot. Feed him less so he is very hungry and excited to eat and when he eats say sexy sexy (use NORMAL VOICE) not bird voice or it will not work. This si how animal are trained to do the things they do. I am not telling you to starve him by any means i am simply telling you to use positive reinforcement. Another method is to find a treat he really likes and again say the worda lot when giving it to him and only give it to him when hes hungry. good luck
The key to teaching a bird to say a certain word or phrase is repetitiveness. Every time you enter the room where she is, say Hello Sexy (or just sexy). It may take a long time, but eventually she will repeat it. I have a 'teach your parrot to talk' tape that I start playing for my babies from the time I pull them..until they go to their new homes. I play it twice a day, once in the morning and again in the evening. My kids taught my Male Eclectus to say "Don't come in, I'm naked" after they saw a bird say it on a movie. Now, every time someone knocks om my door, he will say it.
parakeets are very limited to single words only, they cant say sentences. to train a parakeet--- cover their cage,turn off all external stimuli ie. tv, radios, anything making noise, movement etc. that will distract the birds attention. you will have to repeat the word "sexy" for hours untill he/she will blurt it out. this will be hard for you--- they are repeating tapes for all night sessions tho.

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