Friday, May 21, 2010

How do I candle eggs?

A really good flashlight can be used to candle an egg.Though the best way is to take a cardboard box and cut a circular hole on one end about half the size of the diameter of the eggs.Place the box over a lamp then turn all other lights in the room off.Place the egg sideways over the hole.This will light up the interior of the egg.A good strong flash light can be held up to the side of an egg in a dark room though it doesn't show as much as the box will.You should candle eggs at the end of the first week of incubation.Viable fertile eggs will have a black dot in the center with thin blood vessels striking outwards similar to spider legs.Clear eggs are nonviable eggs.
um.. i don't get the question...

d'you mean cook the egg with a candle, look through the egg with a candle, hatch the egg with a candle,or turn the egg into a candle. lol
No way. you must want the eggs to Catch on fire and blow the house up.
Try it and find out?
If you are looking for a baby hold it to a light in a darken room you can see thought he shell.
they have special machines that do that, but i think if you just hold the egg up to a candle or a bright lite like a heat lamp, and kinda rotate it as your lookin your should be able to see.
I am going to ask that you look at your earlier question, people left a couple on answers on there. Most people don't even know what you are talking about, so maybe you might want to try to research it a little more on the internet or describe exactly what you mean on here, I'm not trying to be rude, but I've seen this question on here 3 time sin the last hour.
get two candles and rub them together fiercely! then they will make eggs.
A fertilized egg has to have been incubated for atleast 5-7 days before you can do this.
You can then take the egg into a dark room and hold a flashlight up against the shell and you should see some blood vessels and perhaps the beginnings of the embryo starting to mature.
It is called "candling" as they used to do this procedure with candles years ago instead of flashlights.
Once you determine which egg is growing something then you need to cull the others or you will be incubating useless eggs that will eventually rot.
Once you have gotten rid of the bad eggs you need to put the good eggs back in the incubator to finish incubation. If you are allowing your hen to hatch out the eggs,you need to put the eggs back under the sitting hen.
cut a hole a little smaller than the egg in a piece of card board and then put the egg over the hole and hold it above a light or you could make one out of wood.
i've found that the easiest way is to leave the eggs in the nest. turn the lights off and then shine a small pen light through them. the hard part is determining what you see.

here is a link to what candled eggs look like...

but please note that opaque eggs when slightly tilted will look like they have large air pockets. Just leave the eggs no matter what. it's unhealthy for your bird to keep laying cclutch after clutch with no break. which is what she will do if you remove the eggs. this could cause egg binding. and believe me that is not a pretty death. I know from experience. all i could do was watch her die. no home remedies helped. i found out about 1 am in the morning. no vets avail. she was dead by 6 am. this was caused because i removed the infertile eggs once I knew that they were no good. she laid 3 clutches in a row, i couldn't get her to stop. on the 5th egg of of the 3rd clutch, she became egg bound and i couldn't help her. she was in horrible pain and died a miserable death. all could have been avoided if I would have just left the eggs in the nest even though they were infertile.

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