Sunday, August 2, 2009

How can I tell what sex my 2 year old parakeet is?

When I first got Pebble, the cere was blue, then it changed to dark and crusty brown-orange, now it is going back to blue... The cere is now mostly blue with traces of orange on the bottom.
In general, the color of a budgie's cere is the simplest indicator of sex in adult budgies: males are blue, and females are white, light beige, reddish, or brown. While it is fairly accurate, the color of the cere cannot always be used to sex a budgie. With some color varieties, like albinos, lutinos, fallows, and some recessive pieds like harlequins, both males and females have beige or pink colored ceres. Other visual sexing methods include females having an almost invisible, whitish rings around their nostrils, and males having more rounded, bulbous ceres, both of which are often hard to recognize to the untrained eye. And many people also say that females bite harder than males and that males have rounder heads while females heads are more flat on the top
More than likely it is a boy. A easy way to tell, is if you can interact with it, move your finger up and down in front of his face. If he has a tendancy to look like he is nodding his head or upper portion of his body, it is no doubt a boy, or a crossdresser
Sounds like Pebbles should be called Bam-Bam.
Hm.I would guess female. I was going to tell you that the cere is dark on females, and light colours on males...but I guess you know that already. ;)
Sounds like a boy to me,That happened to my pet budgie, and the vet said it was natural for boy birds.
boys have a bluish cere and females have a pinkish or purplish cere.
in general, the nose on the male is brighter than on femalee. if its a dull color, its a femal. i have had several parakeets.
i had a bird like that once and it laid an egg and i knew it was a girl : ) easy
If you reeeaaallly need to know, which you probably don't unless you are concerned with breeding an Avian Veterinarian can take a small blood sample and have it DNA tested. The most acurate way to tell. Cost can range between $60-80 dollars for the test alone. (add exam fee)
by the color of the cere on the top of his or her beak. the darker blue male the lighter female

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