Sunday, August 2, 2009

How can I help a bird that doesn't fly?

There is a bird by my house that won't fly and doesn't hop away when I go near it. It hops but usually just stands there. I put water on a Q-Tip and it drank some and tried to bite at a worm I held up to it but it shakes its head and the worm flies out of its mouth. It's not a full grown bird but not quite a baby bird. It keeps looking almost straight up or straight ahead but never down at the worm I put on the ground next to it. How can I help it?
it is most likely a fledgling that has left the nest but has not yet learned to fly. The parents are most likely tending to it. You can watch it from a safe distance to see if the adults are coming to feed. Keep in mind they will not come if you are too close to the chick or if they see you. They may not come that often as they need some time to gather food, so you may have to be really patient. If you know FOR SURE the parents are not around, you should take this bird to a wildlife rehab in your area...but really it's best chance of survival is with it's parents.
when birds are weak, they don't feel like themselves. It's not a good idea to feed worms to a bird when they are weak. Let it rest. Put the food nearby when it feels like eating it will do so.

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