Sunday, August 2, 2009

How big do bobwhite quails get?

How big do they get? I'm hatching one in science class. I want to keep it, but I'm afraid I won't have enough room for it. I want to keep it in an old hermit crab tank. I can't upload a picture, but it is a pretty big tank and I believe it might be able to fit in there.
Bobwhite quails get a little larger then the average dove.Though they require a great deal of more space.Quail are ground dwellers.So it is more important for a cage to have floor space rather then hight.Bobwhite quail can be released into the wild and naturally take care of them self.The only trouble with captive breed one's is they are less likely to identify a predator.For one quail you really need a cage that has at least 8 square feet of floor.Long and narrow is preferred over just being square.This allows the bird room to walk rather then pace.
It will fit in there, but they need more room than that to thrive. You might be able to keep it in something like a rabbit hutch, but they really do need a lot of room to roam. They're pretty birds, though.
what , like a 10 gal tank ? that's pretty small for a bobwhite quail . it will be dead in 2 months , you should set it free .
Just to reply to the answerer above me, DO NOT set it free, it needs to be properly cared for. If you set it free it will die a nasty death from one of several things:
1) Predators
2) Disease
3) Starvation
4) Hypothermia
5) Injury

None of those is a nice way to go.
That is not a good existence for anything larger then a hermit crab, fish, or gerbil... You are probably better off with an penned in habitat outside.

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