Thursday, May 7, 2009

Do burning scented candles or tarts in the same apartment as finches hurt them?

I have heard that air freshner spray are harmful to finches. I am also wondering about disinfectant sprays like clorox, I used to spray our doorknobs and light switches occasionally, would doing this be harmful to them?
as said above, anything scented can be fatal. Bird's lungs are small and sensitive. That is why they brought canaries down into the mines. Here are some references:

Scented candles can be fatal to birds.

#3 on the list of top ten bird killers
It absolutely can.

Anything scented, is generally a chemical, even if it is a natural chemical. Smoke is smoke. Any of this can be highly toxic to such small animals. Big ones too.
Birds, especially small birds like finches, have very shallow respiratory systems. Many things that we humans would never smell, let alone suffer from, can harm birds. This is one reason why you should never keep your birds near the kitchen - the fumes from non-stick teflon cookware can harm them.

There are disinfectants that are used to clean bird cages and aviaries, so you might want to look into using them in your house instead of clorox or other chlorine bleaches. You should also be careful using air freshners in the same room as the birds, or burning scented candles.
if you buy or get a book from the library about finches, they always tell you what they can breath in and what they can't breathe in. i used to use clorox bleach for my bathroom and my finch got really sick, like vomiting. i went to see a vet and he said ""keep all finches away from any kind of chemicals it could be fatal'' so i did and never had an incedent since...GOOD LUCK!

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