underneath my cockatiels crest, he is losing feathers! what is happening? will they grow back? i tried separating him from the other cockatiel but he still seems unhealthy.
All of my birds are in their spring molt right now, and it sounds like yours is too. Either that, or you've just discovered the natural bald spot that all 'tiels have. As long as he's just dropping feathers normally, and not plucking himself bald (which he couldn't do on his head) he's probably okay. Check to see if there are little pin feathers emerging from his skin - they look like small, pointy quills. Eventually, these grow out and open into replacement feathers.
My only concern is that you said he seems unhealthy. Without more information about his symptoms, other than feather loss, I can't guess what else might be wrong.
perhaps because of MOLTING or he's STRESSED, don't worry feathers WILL grow back soon. give him more nutritious food and water to get him healthy.
i know this,,i had a parrot once totally vicious,,,anything you put in the cage with him ,he killed it,,,i put a vulture in with him and the following morning the parrot was totally bald and the vulture lying dead in the cage,i said what the hell and the parrot said sorry had to take my coat off to that one.
sorry couldnt resist the flippancy to a serious question
sounds like stress my cockatiel had the same. please ring your vet or an expert in looking after these birds.
I wish i could advise more but i was only young when i had mine. As he has a companion i dont think its depressed -does he get on with his
It could be mites !
I strongly advise taking him to an avian vet. You cannot 'see' a bird on these forums.
check www.budgieworld.net
is he pulling them out if so you cant do anything its a habbit they pick up an they dont stop,mabe its just mallting
Hi definitely sounds like mites so spray him/her for that. Never tickle a bird as most birds lose feathers on their head and chest where caged birds put there heads down for a stroke never go up as they will lose there feathers and they do not grow again just stroke down lightly.
Sounds like he's moulting.They do that a couple of times a year.New feathers will replace the ones he loses.
If he develops visible bald patches though take him to a vet as that isn't normal.
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my cockatiel screams while picking shoulder & back feathers out. i've taken her to many vets who cancelled out parasites & do not know what is causing it. i feel so bad for her, she seems to be suffering. her feathers use to be so beautiful & now she's scruffy looking. please help, thanks.