Thursday, July 30, 2009

Friend for my Budgie.?

I inherited a beautiful budgie from my neighbour who recently passed away. He has always been used to having a 'friend' with him but sadly that budgie died. I am wondering whether it would be wise to bring another budgie into the picture, I am worried they may fight. I think the budgie I have is quite old.
difficulty question,i would get a new budge of the opposite sex and introduce him to the other bird,i think if fighting was going to occur it would happen in the for hour of introduction,but check with the pet shop first,they are quite cluey about these things
Drs Foster and Smith sells a cute little toy that looks just like a budgie, and sings when its touched... try that out before introducing a new one, to see his reaction to the new bird.
you dont know if when u get an other budgie they might fight!
but if u just keep your budgie you can put some budgie toys the toys can keep him entertaintd when your out!
budgies are social animal, so i guess it's right if ya gave him a friend. but you shouldnt put the new one in the same cage first. put it in another cage but hang the cage near ur budgie in the same room. they'll try to socialize and if they're already friendly you can put 'em together.
happy to help you!
i had one... he was an albino... then i got a cockateil... which is larger... and the budgie kicked his @$$. besides, if you care for it well, it really doesn't NEED a new friend, but you.
I think you should get another one and see how they do togehter.

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