Friday, July 31, 2009

Hatching a baby bird??

i found a bird egg on the road but it was just crack or anything. is there a reason why the egg is so strong?? and then when i held a flashlight up to it there was yellow stuff moving there still a possiblity its gonna hatch?? i need lotsss of help!!
To go along with the last answer there is a special food for baby birds that you mix up and hand feed, but I cannot remember what it is, we've used, one of our friends used to raise birds. You might contact a local breeder in your area, they may be able to help you in that aspect. Make sure while you are incubating the egg that it doesn't get to dry, it is recommended that put a pie pan of water under like a wire rack with the egg and whatever it is in on top of that. I was going to try hatching a chicken egg once, and did a lot research, but can't remember everything. I found most of the info about hatching and caring for baby birds in the Encyclopedia under the subject Chicken.
My parakeets laid eggs twice already and i did some research and your not suppose to touch it with your hands cause the bacteria from ur hands can get to the baby bird. Do you kno what kind of bird egg it is? If you want to hatch it you can get a small heating pad and put some blankets on top of it and put the egg on top. Make sure its not tooo warm. Or you can get natural wood shavings and put the egg on it and put it into a basket and put a heating lamp over it. If the baby is moving that means its still alive and you can hatch it But what are you going to do with it if it hatches? Also your going to have to go out and buy some stuff for the bird when it hatches. I think they sell like a formula you can mix and feed to the bird. Just go research on the internet.

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