Thursday, May 7, 2009

Do ringneck doves lay non fertile eggs?

the lady i got it from said it would lay a egg in 2 weeks but it would be non fertile but its been 2 weeks and nothing it chirps and sticks it but in the air please help
If you have a female and no male it will periodically lay eggs and they will not be viable (fertile). If you have a male and female they wuill mate, the eggs will be viable and it is really easy to raise doves. I've have entire flocks from just a mated pair. Thye are great pets BTW
Is this the only dove you have, cause if it is chances are it won't lay an egg. When I got my first dove, it never laid any eggs until I got my second one, then it started laying eggs like crazy. (they were all infertile though)
If you have a pair of doves, im not really sure when it'll start laying eggs. But if it's infertile and your sure you have a male and female, it's probably the male that's sterile (a pet store owner told me that.) Like i said before, my pair of doves kept laying infertile eggs (i started to think that they were both female) but after a year or 2, they finally hatched 2 baby doves.
When I got my Dove, she was an only bird, and she did lay an egg. She did not need a nest or anything. But if your Dove is not with a mate, there is no gaurantee that she is going to lay an egg. I don't know why the woman you got her from told you this. My bird now has a mate and there have been two eggs laid in the past three days, (one broke) and they both take turns sitting on it. I now need help and need to know what to do when the egg hatches.

1 comment:

  1. I have a single "wild" dove I raised from a harctchling. Was brought into the home buy one of my cats, she wanted to protect it, not harm it. It is a ring neck dove and is about 6 months old. She is only in a cage at night, unless she chooses to go in it on her own during the day. She has just laid 2 eggs, and I want to know if I should remove them or leave them with her. After the second egg was laid, she did start to sit on them in the top of my wardrobe (There is soft blanket there that she loves to sit on when she is out of the cage.) That is where she laid the second egg, first was laid on my sons lap in the lounge room. She was freaked out about this one, but has wanted to sit on the second. So we put the other with her and she immediately nudged it in place and sat on both. Is it best to remove them, or will she only lay more. What do I do for her. She is extremely tame, I have a dog and 2 cats she shares the home with, no major issues at all. Loves being with us all the time.
    Please help as I want what is best for her both physically and mentally.
