Thursday, May 7, 2009
Do hummingbirds ever perch?
Hummingbirds are able to perch and will do so at feeders regularly. Because they fly so much, they have poorly developed feet. They can barely walk at all. The hummingbird is much more comfortable in flight.
yes they do
Yes, put a hummingbird feeder with a perch out and you can see it do it! You'll have to be careful not to approach the feeder too quickly, but they definitely do perch.
yes, mine do but not for very long. I have a nest just off of my back porch and it is AMAZING watching them... it is smaller than my hand! They will perch on that branch for quite a while.
Yes, they do. I have a feeder w/sugar water hung on the end of a clothes line beside a tree. They feed from the feeder %26 perch on the clothes line. They don't stay for long, but make many trips back %26 forth during the day. They are adorable %26 fun to watch. I have seen pictures of people actually becoming friendly w/them %26 they actually eat out of their hands!
hmmm.. I asked myself this same question Lol, yes they do perch they are just so uncommon to see and we never really notice them because they are soooo small. Fun Facts about hummingbirds
They do perch
They have very weak feet and do not use them for transportation.
They fly forward, backward, shift sideways, stop in midair.
They can beat their wings 60 to 200 times per second.
They lap nectar with their tongues.
They can fly up to 60 miles per hour.
They can live 5-6 years in the wild.
They are the smallest bird in the world.
They consume, on average, half their weight in sugar each day.
You can attract hummingbirds by planting red flowers and putting up a hummingbird feeder.
Hope I helped
I have a hummingbird feeder. They perch while still beating their wings. I have seen them in their nests. They sit on their eggs with wings still. If perching is placing their little feet on the little perch on the feeder while wings are still moving; then some do. I have seen them perched in trees near the house singing. Their song is kind of like a "Pssst pssst pssst sound. " If perching is sitting on their eggs they do. I have no written knowledge per say only personal observation over the years. Hope this helps.
I was told they dont have feet, so wgat do they perch on then if they do?
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