Monday, May 24, 2010

How do you teach a parakeet to talk?

I heard that you can teach one how to talk! I dont know how so can anyone tell me how? (im not talking about a parrot)
Its the male parakeets that are noted for talking, so if you want to have a parakeet that talks, a male bird, under four months of age is best.. This isn鈥檛 to say that female parakeets can鈥檛 be taught to talk, but generally female birds are slower to learn and attempts at teaching a female to talk might not be successful.
BUT its worth a go so.... Remember, to stand the best chance,your bird must feel/be part of his "human flock"
Birds learn best in the morning, when their mind is fresh and ready for new information. Repeat the same phrases loudly, slowly and clearly. This is best done on a one to one basis,with no other distractions.A 15-20 minute session is good. Parakeets do best with hard letters like K and T, so the traditional "hello" is actually sort of hard for a Parakeet. "Cutie" would be much better! Parakeets tend to mumble and to talk quickly, so the more slowly you talk, the more normal it will sound when the bird starts to repeat it.
You will need time and patience, and eventually your parakeet will start to answer back to you. Parakeets can also learn to mimic other sounds around them. They can learn to chirp like a cell phone, whistle a short tune, and much more,females especially!
A not place a mirror in the cage, as your bird will pay more attention to his reflection,and not to you.!
You talk to it.
u keep saying it and saying it and maybe it will repeat after u.
Same way you teach any bird... horrible repetition. My mom said it took her months to teach her parakeet how to say one little thing, so if you want to do it, be patient!
talk to it in short sentences alot
With your hard unforgiving fist!
I didn't know that you could. Did some one tell you that they are talking birds.
You teach them the same way as a parrot. It takes a lot of time and patience. You keep repeating what you want them to learn, and theoretically, they will start repeating the same thing back.
I had a parakeet a long time ago. They respond to people talking. Just keep repeating to him what you want him to say
like "good boy" or "hello" whenever your around him talk to him. Same concept as "polly want a cracker" repetition
I have raised parakeets for about 5 years now. This is what you do to get one to talk. Put it in a room by itself where it can't hear any other noises. Like radio and TV. Go in and set with it for about 1/2 hour each day. Say one word to it over and over. Start with only one word. After about a week it should start saying it. Sometimes it takes longer. Once he has it down and is saying it by himself then put it back with the other birds. He will teach them. Once all or most of them are saying that word, again might be another week or two. Take that bird back out and teach it to say something else. If you already keep your birds away from the main living area, which is suggested, then you don't need to isolate one bird. Just do the exercise with all the birds and one or more of them will start saying that word. But again only start with one word. Good Luck!!
First Decide What word you want the Parakette to say then keep repeating it over and over until the Parakette Repeats it
keep tell ing it the same thing(like...yo yo yo yo yoyo yo yo)over and over again
make the phrases simple and be repeatative.I have heard that the radio has helped teach birds to talk as radio stations tend to be repeatative
you talk to them alot, we have a parakeet and he will talk and go on and on

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